Praxis Introduction-Breaking the Mold

Carolyn Heard
2 min readOct 27, 2020

It’s so easy to fall into routine — not a routine schedule, but a routine mindset. We often fill our heads with thoughts about our own self-perception that remain the same. Changing these thoughts would mean changing who we think we are, thus causing internal friction. Yes, change is necessary for growth, but harsh friction can be smoothed out by breaking the routine mindset and cultivating an ever-evolving mindset.

My journey has been one of exceptional growth.

From the time I was a kid and into my early 20’s I was absolutely terrified to expand beyond what I thought I was capable of. I crippled myself with my own complacent thoughts. Everything from playing sports, to learning to play an instrument, to my academics ALWAYS came to a limit! Once I felt like things were going too well, I’d block myself from getting better — my routine mindset. Then BOOM! I was shoved out of my comfort zone and guided to a never-ending staircase with my name on it.

What was responsible for my breakthrough? Well, a number of things. Gaining different job experience, encouragement from loved ones, and the pain I felt from feeling stuck all played a part. My greatest push though was my daughter. Watching her grow and learn so quickly made me realize how many possibilities there are for someone who is willing to learn.

The first step I took was applying for a sales position. I was the furthest thing from a people person. I was always terrified of public speaking, I never had many friends, and I absolutely never thought I would be able to sell anyone anything. After coming to my realization that I wanted to grow, I threw myself to it. I became the manager at a gym where my main responsibilities were to sell memberships and promote club culture. It was the absolute best decision I ever made. There, I found my voice and I grew into a thriving, creative individual! Sales campaigns became more and more successful and club challenges became widely popular among members. That’s when I fell in love with marketing!

Today, I am continuing to throw myself out of my comfort zone. A major part of this is starting the Praxis program. My plan is to allow my expanded mindset to lead me not to what I’m only capable of, but to where I can be a unique force that inspires others. I want to create something that is explosive, memorable, and of value. Through Praxis, I’m hoping to make connections and learn the functional skills that will push me in the right direction.

Here’s to another step in the journey!



Carolyn Heard

I am a very creative individual who is always looking to learn! Sharing knowledge and new innovative ideas is the best way to grow.